Congratulations to An Daire in Logan who now has their own TCRG! Terena is now registered as a Teacher with An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha in Dublin, Ireland. We are excited for what this means for the dancers here in the Cache Valley area. She has been invited to attend An Re Orga,(the Golden Era)World Ball in Dublin, Ireland this April to receive her certificate on stage.
There were many people involved who made this all possible:
First, thanks and congratulations to Jim Mueller on his ADCRG, and thanks to Lauren Mueller, TCRG, for their time & efforts.
Her family and friends cannot be overlooked. Many times they were subjected to learning ceili's. Thankyou!
To the many friends and family outside of Utah, and An Daire dancers everywhere, thank-you!
Biggest thanks to her super hero & supportive husband, Kurt, who deserves at least two of the four letters earned, or a complete certificate of his own, for all he has done to help her reach her goals. Moia!
Drinks all around!!!!(I'll be having Diet Coke)