Tuesday, February 2, 2010

St.Patrick's Day Coming...

Get ready for a fun St. Patrick's Day! Not only will we be touring some of the local schools, we will be making other appearances as well. March 11, 15 & 17 are the days we will be touring schools.
March 20, Saturday, is an open workshop. If you have friends or neighbors that are interested in doing Irish, we want you to bring them that day. It is free to the public and all ages are invited.
Some other dates to mark on your calendar are March 31 - April 3. Jim will be coming to do some choreography for a "show". If your daughter wants a chance to be part of this, she will need to be available on April 1st and possibly April 2 & 3rd. Will know more later.
Our Class Feis is already booked for April 17th. Everyone mark your calendars. This is so much fun! We want everyone to feel they can participate in it!
Summer Camp is scheduled for August 5-7. Not a must, but definitely a good time and strongly encouraged!